Publication accepted in PRD 🎉
The future of light-shining-through-walls experiments
New preprint on the arXiv 🎉
New insights into cosmologically viable axion models
Language Certificate Awarded 🎉
AxiTools now speaks Italian at C1 level
Presentation at the IDM Conference
L'Aquila, Italy
New preprint on the arXiv 🎉
The future of axion lab experiments
New Preprint on the arXiv 🎉
Improving how we analyse black hole superradiance
Premio Asimov Awarded
Prestigious Italian outreach award goes to Giovanni Covone
Seminar at LPTHE, Paris
Finding axions in a universe of data
Seminar at Nikhef, Amsterdam
Tools for axion model predictions and astrophysical detection prospects
Computing Grant 🎉
ISCRA "Class C" project